Thanks to Exo Terra 300 W proportional pulse dimmer thermostat , it is possible to create a precise heating system that can provide the stable conditions necessary for reptiles, such as those in a desert or tropical environment, in addition to avoiding excessive temperatures or insufficient, during hot summer days and cold winter nights.
DIMMING (variable) and PULSE (proportional pulsing) modes maintain the desired temperature much more precisely than standard thermostats in addition to considerably reducing temperature variations in the terrarium.
The Exo Terra 300W thermostat should be adjusted according to the needs of the animals being kept. It is therefore important to carry out precise research on the species kept in order to know their preferential optimum temperature range (PTOP) , and thus to offer the appropriate temperature gradients for the thermoregulation of these species in the terrarium.
Always use a thermometer to monitor the temperature inside the terrarium. Set the Exo Terra Thermostat to the required temperature in the reptile's environment.
One red LED light lights up when the device is powered and becomes blue once the desired temperature is reached.

Control of heaters up to 300 W

Temperatures from 18 to 38°C

The red LED light will illuminate when the heater is on

A recessed button on the back prevents accidental changes

DIMMING and PULSE modes maintain the desired temperature
Dimmer and proportional pulse control the temperature of the terrarium with precision

Waterproof remote sensor
Simply plug the Exo Terra 100W On-Off Switch Thermostat into the heating wrap, heating cable or ceramic heat emitter, set the desired temperature, then place the heat sensor in place. longed for.
Connect the heater ( heating film, bulb or cable, or ceramic heat emitter, etc. ) to the thermostat receptacle.

NOTE: In combination with an invisible light heat source (such as Heating Wrap, Heating Cable, Ceramic Heat Emitter, Infrared Basking Bulb, or Exo Terra Infrared Night Bulb), the Thermostat Exo Terra's 300W Proportional Pulse and Dimmer creates a precise system that provides a 24-hour heating cycle that does not interfere with the animal's normal activities and maintains the required and true temperature conditions in its natural environment.
NOTE: When the Exo Terra 300W Proportional Pulse Dimmer Thermostat is used in combination with a visible light emitting bulb (such as the Intense Basking Bulb, Daylight Basking Bulb, or infrared daylight bulb) to create a daytime basking spot or daytime ambient warmth, turn the thermostat on at dawn and off at dusk, either manually or with a timer.