With its panoramic design, easy-to-open feeder door, energy-efficient soft-start lighting and AquaClear filter, the Fluval Vista Aquarium is the perfect choice for aquarists looking to combine beauty with easy maintenance. For fresh water only.
Main characteristics :
60 L (16 US gal) glass aquarium with panoramic view
Energy-efficient LED lighting with soft start (750 lm, 8000 K) that simulates the sunrise as in nature, without scaring fish.
AquaClear 30 motor filter with filter media
Fish landing net
Fluval Aquarium Guide
Liquid crystal thermometer
Food for tropical fish (20 g)
Fluval Water Treatment (30ml)
Fluval Biological Enhancers (2 x 30ml)
Dimensions: 60.96 x 30.48 x 39.37 cm (24 x 12 x 15.5 in)
Also on sale:
Fluval Vista 32 L (8.5 US gal) Equipped Aquarium (15242)
Fluval Vista 87 L (23 US gal) Equipped Aquarium (15248),