A safe Halloween party with your dog or cat - Boutique Le Jardin Des Animaux

A safe Halloween party with your dog or cat

Here are the golden rules for a safe Halloween party for your dogs or cats.


Disguise your pet only if he is used to it and the costume is comfortable and does not obstruct his senses (smell, hearing, sight, etc...).
It is important to make sure that the disguise does not interfere with his movements or sensations.
Opt for a light suit that is not too hot.

The decorations

Make sure they are out of reach, especially for a chewing puppy.

Fumes from candles can be harmful to animal respiration.

A safe place

The door to your house will often be open, beware of animals roaming free in your home.
Plan a calm, reassuring and safe place for your pet with his favorite toys and treats.
Visiting strangers can stress animals, a calming pheromone product such as Feliway or Adaptil can help reduce this stress.

In the streets

An identification medallion is a good precaution since the door could open often, courtesy of the candy distribution!
You have an anxious dog, it's not the best day to attempt socialization.

You like sweets too!

Be careful, a large amount of sugar can be harmful to animals, and the cocoa in chocolate is toxic for our 4-legged friends. So be sure to keep treats out of reach.
Xylitol, a sugar substitute in a wide variety of sweets, is dangerous and even deadly for animals. After ingestion, your pet may have a severe hypoglycaemic attack which results in vomiting and convulsions or he may feel weak with very little energy. Quick to the Vet!
Candy wrappers can be attractive to your dog and cat, beware of choking hazards.
The Jardin des Animaux team wishes you a wonderful Halloween evening!

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