A safe holiday season with dog, cat and other companions!
The holiday season is fast approaching, and we know how much fun it is to spend this time with the people and animals we love, and of course, we want the safety of each of them! Here are all our best tips for having a safe holiday season for kitty, pitou and companions, despite their legendary curiosity which makes them put their noses in the wrong place!
When exchanging gifts, watch out for ribbons and paper wrappers. Their texture, rustle and color often attract cats and dogs enough to get their teeth into them. We therefore suggest disposing of these quickly, then ensure good control of small parts that may be in the packaging. Also, it is good to know that cats have rigid papillae on their tongue which prevents them from spitting out an object that they wanted to taste, for example, ribbons. So when the latter is in the mouth of the animal, it can only continue its way to the digestive tract of the kitty. It is therefore even more important to ensure proper supervision.
The food
Even if pitou or kitty begs you with his eyes to make him taste the tasty dish that you share with your visitors, you must not be fooled. Some foods can be harmful or even dangerous for your furry friend. Here are some of the foods not to give to the latter:
- Chocolate: The theobromine contained in chocolate can cause important nervous and cardiac reactions. It can quickly become deadly. Avoid at all costs.
- Cooked bones: Watch out for cooked bones. They can cause intestinal blockages and internal lacerations. If you want to spoil your dog with a bone, be sure to choose a raw or smoked bone and always give it under supervision.
- Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis
- Beware of table scraps: They may contain seasonings, salt, garlic or too much fat and other toxic or harmful foods. Garlic is extremely harmful to pets.
- Maintain a balanced diet: If you decide to give a few pieces of unseasoned vegetables or meat, reduce the portions of food or treats in your daily ration to avoid too high a caloric intake.
The stress
The visit, decorations, music and many other environmental stimuli can be extremely stressful for your animal. We suggest planning a safe place for him like a quiet room with his favorite toys, food, fresh water, cushion and interactive toys to pass the time. We have a range of interactive toys to offer you that will redirect their boredom or stress into healthy and restful stimulation.
In this room, a soothing pheromone diffuser such as Feliway or Adaptil could come in very handy. These pheromones tell the animal that it is in a safe place. Then, if you judge that your animal is comfortable to remain free during a family event, it is strongly suggested to ask the vigilance of your guests towards him. For example, you can educate them about animal calming signals. A calming signal is a bodily message from the animal that it is not comfortable, such as licking lips, baring teeth, etc.
You might also now set clear boundaries, such as not picking up the animal or restraining it.
Christmas tree and decorations
As explained in the ''Gifts'' section, decorations can be very attractive to animals, such as garlands, angel hair and small decorative icicles. You must therefore make sure to place them out of their reach. In addition, favor sturdy and non-breakable decorations to avoid damage and injuries.
Some decorative tree balls are made of glass and can injure the animal if they fall. In addition, be sure to secure the Christmas tree. Cats in particular are apt to climb on it and could cause it to fall. For chewing or chewing animals, the electrical wires will have to be monitored.
If you are going on a visit or on vacation during the holiday season, you will need to think of a trusted person who comes to take care of the animals once a day, or an animal boarding house. We advise you to create a file with all the information concerning your animal (his age, his health problems, the quantity of food to give him, etc.) and the contact details of his veterinarian.
As for boarding, we offer this service for cats, birds and small mammals such as ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs and small rodents. Do not hesitate to call us for more details on the pension, at 819-563-8056.
Offer an animal?
The question to ask is:
- Who will take care of this animal for the next 15 years?
- Are you 100% certain that this person is ready to take responsibility for a living being for that long?
- Does this animal correspond to this person's way of life?
- Has this person verbally demonstrated an interest in this animal and clearly confirmed their desire to care for it in the past month?
If the answer is yes to all these questions, it is already less risky to offer an animal for the holiday season.
However, we still advise you to discuss with this person and to choose with him wisely the type of animal which would be appropriate to him, and then to proceed to the adoption.
The element of surprise is reduced, but at least you are certain that your loved one is ready to take on this responsibility for years to come. To guide you in choosing the perfect animal according to the person's lifestyle, we suggest that you read our adoption guide, which we can distribute to you in branches or which can be found in our blog on our online store. line.
The Jardin des Animaux team wishes you a happy and safe holiday season