adopting a dog or a cat, what there is to know ! - Boutique Le Jardin Des Animaux

adopting a dog or a cat,
what there is to know !

Adopting a dog or a cat is a big decision, it should not be taken lightly.

  • What to know before adopting a puppy?
  • What to know before adopting a cat?
  • What breed of dog is best for me?
  • Where to adopt a dog?
  • Where to adopt a cat?

So many important questions to ask yourself before adopting your future best friend. And you are doing well! Because it will be by your side, on your lap and at the foot of your bed for many years to come. Might as well choose it properly!

It's easy to fall for those cute little puppies and kittens we see in our news daily. Seeing their little hoe and imagining the softness of their brand new hair, we would all want to adopt one to have the chance to give it all our love and see it grow. Without forgetting these wise senior animals, those who carry intelligence and tranquility in their eyes and whom we would so much like to give beautiful last years of life. It is true that adopting an animal is a very pleasant event, but you should not let yourself be carried away by all this “cuteness” without thinking. Adopting an animal is a long-term commitment in many aspects of our lives. It is essential to introspect and ask questions that will guide us to make the right decision.

Are you planning to adopt an animal?

Here are the main aspects that this article will cover:

  1. Ask yourself about your situation
  2. What animal or breed is best for me?
  3. Where to adopt my animal?
  4. What should I get before the arrival of my pet?

Ask questions about their situation. My reasons for adopting an animal

    First, it is important to understand your needs and define them. Do you want an animal to entertain and empower children? To bring life to your home? For dog shows or competitions? To accompany you during a difficult time in your life? To make it your hunting companion? To protect your home or yourself? To make it your physical activity partner? These questions will guide you towards the kind of animal that suits you best. For example, a cat isn't always the best travel partner (although there are sometimes great exceptions!). A brachycephalic dog (whose skull is short and sunken, such as pugs, bulldogs, shih-tzus), on the other hand, may not be the best companion to accompany you during your intense sports activities, because these breeds tend to have difficulty breathing. Then, if you want a friend for your cocooning days, your little quiet walks and your moments of reading, the very active husky will surely not be the best choice. Why not opt ​​for a much wiser senior dog or cat? All the reasons for adopting an animal are good, provided you have good intentions regarding its health and well-being for the many years that it will accompany you.

    Do I have the adequate financial capacity to adopt an animal?

    Another important question before proceeding with the adoption of an animal concerns your financial situation. Among other things, you need to have enough money for the adoption costs and the subsequent treatments (vaccines, sterilizations, deworming, veterinary follow-up, etc.). However, the majority of qualified kennels and shelters include these treatments in the adoption fees at competitive prices. This is among others the case of the kittens for adoption at the Jardin des Animaux.

    So, it is wrong to think that adopting an animal for free (or almost) in the classifieds will be cheaper, since you will have to pay the costs of veterinary care out of your own pocket, in addition to not being sure of the quality of his genetics and his health. Next, it is important to think about the costs that extend over the life of the animal. Grooming, toys, food, litter, collars, insurance, vaccine reminders… The bills add up quickly, over fifteen years!

    It is estimated that a dog or a cat costs approximately $30,500 throughout its life, not counting injuries or specific health problems. Then, we must not forget (even if we would prefer to forget it!) that an emergency or an accident can happen so quickly. A urinary blockage, a foreign body, a fracture, vomiting, so many things can happen to our protected and push us to consult the veterinarian urgently.

    Since the medical equipment of veterinary clinics is extremely expensive, the amount of the consultation rises quickly, and we must be ready to pay at any time. It is therefore essential to keep a buffer budget to prevent this kind of financial contingency. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure!

    Do I have enough time to take care of an animal?

    Another important aspect that adopting an animal brings into question is time. Will you be available enough for your new friend? Between work, your social life, studies, your hobbies and your hobbies, will you have enough moments to properly educate and expend energy on this one? It is important to situate yourself in relation to your availability. Then, is your situation temporary or permanent?

    As we write this article, we are in a pandemic situation in Quebec ( ) and many of us are housebound because our job is not considered essential. Wow, so much free time! “What a good time to take care of an animal”, some will say to themselves. But, not quite. This is a perfect example to illustrate what we mean by “assessing whether our situation is permanent or temporary”.

    In a situation like this, we know (or we dare to hope) that all this free time will only be temporary because normal life will one day resume. You'll go back to work, you'll go back to school, you'll get back to practicing your favorite sport... Will you still have enough time to properly take care of your animal? There is the question.

    Do I have a suitable physical environment to offer him?

    This question may seem simple to solve, but it is nevertheless essential.

    If you live in an apartment, you'll want to make sure your landlord has no problem with having a pet in their building. This will therefore avoid unpleasant situations such as having to move. Did you know that these situations are one of the main causes of animal abandonment? This is why you will notice that in July, the shelters are overwhelmed... We therefore find it essential to make you aware of this important consideration to be made, because these animals suffer a lot from the stress caused by these abandonments. If the answer is negative and your owner has no problem with the presence of an animal, you can proceed to the next check.

    Another important aspect to ensure is the space that your apartment offers to your future pet. If you plan to have a dog, will he have an easily accessible outdoor space to exercise and relieve himself without disturbing your neighbors? To have a dog that adopts pleasant behaviors, these energy expenditures are essential. A dog that does not move enough will tend to adopt destructive behaviors and perhaps even aggression caused by his nervousness. Then, make sure that potential yelps (or meows in the case of a cat) aren't too big of a problem for the neighbors. It will therefore be necessary to ensure that your apartment is well soundproofed to avoid complaints, because these vocalizations are an integral part of life with an animal.

    My state of health and that of those around me

    Next, would a health problem prevent you or one of your peers from living with an animal? Allergies, respiratory problems (ex: asthma), physical restrictions… As for allergies, they depend on each animal. You might be allergic to one individual, but tolerate another individual of the same breed. The human body is made like this… Breeders, shelters or pet shops offer to meet the animal before adopting it. You will be able to situate yourself in relation to the reactions that your body will have.

    Please note that no animal is hypoallergenic, even those advertised as being… Absolutely everything on earth can be an allergen for someone, so imagine how furry a beast can be! Hair, saliva, sebum, dust mites (yes, our friends are full of them!), dust, our dogs and cats are perfect carriers of allergens.

    What animal or breed is best for me?

    All these questions will then lead you to determine what kind of animal is best suited to your situation and your lifestyle. Consider the size, the length of the hair, the temperament, the need for physical activity… Know that each breed is totally different, especially in terms of their temperament. I strongly suggest that you do some careful research to find the perfect match. He will be your friend for fifteen years, don't forget him! Don't choose it randomly or on a whim...

    Where to adopt my animal?

    After all these questions will come the time to determine where to find out about the adoption of your future animal. You will guess that it is extremely important to ensure the quality of this place since it will have a huge role to play on the health and temperament of your animal.

    • Family or occasional breeder
    • Unskilled seller or mass breeding
    • Qualified and recognized breeder
    • Refuge
    • Pet Shop

    “Family breeder” or occasional

    This breeder category has positives and negatives. Some people have only good intentions by breeding their animal. We often hear people say that they want to give their children the experience of a litter and thus educate them. The advantage of this type of breeder is that the puppies or kittens will be socialized to the maximum with children and will be exposed to all kinds of different noises and objects.

    It is therefore possible that these animals are less nervous in the face of the unknown during their growth. However, you will have no guarantee on the animal. These breeders did not study the health and genetics of their animal before breeding them. So it is not uncommon for them to inadvertently reproduce deformities or other genetic problems that the parents carried. It's unfortunate for the animal because its quality of life will be reduced, and you will be very saddened to discover these problems during the life of your furry friend. Sometimes, these breeders do not have the knowledge on the care to bring to the animal, therefore the food of the mother or the babies was not adequate and the treatments such as vermifuges, vaccines and veterinary examinations were not carried out. not been made before the adoption.

    If you wish to adopt from one of these breeders, I strongly advise you to visit the premises before making a decision. You will need to use your 5 senses to determine if your future protégé started life in a comfortable environment.

    Does it smell good?

    Do I see feces and urine in exaggerated ways?

    Do the parents seem physically and psychologically healthy?

    Do they have enough space to grow?

    Do they have fresh water and food?

    Is the noise pollution of this place exaggerated and stressing the animals?

    Is the animal's hair clean and soft?

    Then, if possible, know the breeding frequency of that location. Some breeders do this for profit, and put the animal's health and safety at stake. You certainly don't want to encourage too frequent breeding that endangers the female dog. It's a think about it!

    Unskilled seller or mass breeding

    These farms are to be banned, and even to be denounced! Before adopting, it is necessary to visit the premises in all cases, all categories of breeders combined. If someone refuses you a visit, there is something fishy. It's weird! A good breeder is proud to show what he offers his animals. Because it may well be that during your research, you come across one of these cruel mass breedings. What is mass breeding? It's a profit driven place. As much profit as possible! The people who participate in this cruelty will mate their animals as much as possible, give them as little food as possible and of the poorest quality (good food = less profit), in the smallest cages (to be able to have the most possible animals in the same place) and all this without proper hygiene protocol.

    You will therefore recognize this place by negligible cleanliness, an excessively high number of breeders, puppies and kittens, and often by cages stacked on top of each other. Often, you will also notice that the breeding does not specialize in a single breed and that they always have animals available (an ethical breeding often has a waiting list, unlike these bad breedings). I know it will be easy to fall in love with these poor beasts and want to save them, but know that if you adopt one, another will replace it.

    To save them, we must denounce. If you see a situation in which animals are being mistreated, such as in the case of mass breeding, I strongly suggest that you speak up, because they don't. In this way, you will save hundreds and hundreds from this nightmare. Here is the form you can fill out, or contact MAPAQ at 1 844 ANIMAUX (264-6289). We thank you on their behalf.

    Qualified and recognized breeder

    This breeding is a favorite place for the adoption of your kitten or your puppy. These club-recognized breeders (Canadian Kennel/Cat Club) have worked hard to get their registration. Their breeders have passed numerous health tests and are disqualified from breeding if they have a certain defect. In this case, they are said to be retiring. Breeders know their puppies well and will try to make the best match according to your lifestyle and personality. If you are looking for a healthy animal with a good temperament and a good pedigree, you are making the right choice by choosing a qualified breeder.

    You will also have a guarantee on the animal. It is totally acceptable to request registration papers and a visit to the breeding premises from someone claiming to be a breeder. Usually, a real breeder who is recognized by an official club will be proud to show you these papers and show you around their breeding. This is all the fruit of their hard work! That said, up-to-date health documents for parents and babies, registration with a recognized club and parents who have won awards are good indicators that a breeder is conscientious, but it is not a guarantee. It is still important to proceed with the same vigilance when carrying out your research.


    Adopting from a shelter is a humanitarian gesture that deserves a lot of recognition. Not only are you giving an animal a second chance, but you are also saving the next one that will take its place. The advantage of shelters is that the professionals who work in these places know their animals well and they usually know a little about their past. They will try to ''match'' you with the animal that best suits your lifestyle and your temperaments.

    You will probably have the chance to meet older or destitute animals who deserve all the love you have to offer. Then, by adopting an adult or senior animal, you already know a good part of its personality, unlike a young animal that is constantly changing. It is certain that adopting an older animal has its drawbacks. You may have to offer him more health care than another, but he will give you all the love you offer him, multiplied by a thousand.

    Pet Shop

    First of all, a dog must be constantly stimulated and must expend its energy by discovering thousands of smells and getting used to human presence from an early age. We don't think the average pet store has enough space or time to care for puppies and provide them with everything they need. Then, it's far too easy to adopt on a whim from a pet store because it's so accessible, and these impulsive adoptions result in a lot of abandonment.

    People find puppies cute in shop windows, but when they're in their care at home, that's a different reality! This is why we do not have any in our branches of the Jardin des Animaux. We want to provide our residents with a suitable environment while they are being adopted. Before adopting a puppy from a pet store, make sure that all of its needs have been met to avoid problems related to a lack of socialization.

    Puppies should be in contact with each other, not isolated separately in crates, and taken outdoors regularly. Their enclosure should be clean at all times, spacious so they can stretch out, and filled with stimulation like interactive toys. Then, make sure where these puppies come from. You wouldn't want them to come from mass breeding though!

    As for kittens, it is easier to fulfill all their needs. Make sure their enclosure is clean, their litter is made regularly, and their water and food are fresh. They should have toys and places to climb and scratch. A cat lives in 3D! They should also be in contact and not isolated. Make sure of their origin, as for the puppies. In our case, at the Jardin des Animaux, we only take in kittens that come from accidental litters by family cats that have not been sterilized.

    They receive health checks, their first vaccinations and deworming. We also help to stop cat overpopulation, because we sterilize all kittens who are adopted by us. All of this information is very important when choosing to adopt from a pet store. Above all, don't be embarrassed. Asking all of these questions could reassure you and signal to the counselor that you are a serious adopter.

    What should I get before the arrival of my animal?

    Here is a “checklist” of what you will need to get before your pet comes. Do not hesitate to print it to facilitate your shopping. We will be happy to advise you further in store.

    What should I get before my dog ​​comes?

    • Two bowls
    • A cozy bed or mattress
    • chew toys
    • A cage or enclosure
    • Balls
    • A comforting plush
    • Treats to facilitate his education
    • An identification medallion
    • A necklace to put his identification medallion
    • A harness for walking and car travel
    • A leash
    • Food adapted to their needs
    • A potty training mat (PeePee Pad)
    • A good cleanser that neutralizes urine odors
    • A brush adapted to his type of coat
    • A claw cutter
    • Shampoo and ear cleanser

    What should I get before my cat comes?

    • Bowls
    • A water fountain to encourage hydration
    • A decent sized litter box
    • Dust-free, odorless absorbent litter
    • An identification medallion
    • A necklace to put his identification medallion
    • Toys
    • A scratching post
    • A piece of furniture to climb (cat tree)
    • Food adapted to their needs
    • A brush adapted to his type of coat
    • A claw cutter
    • A transport cage for adoption and s

    In conclusion

    Finally, we wish you all the happiness with your new friend. You can be assured that we will accompany you throughout the growth of your animal and we will guide you in the best care to offer him. Do not hesitate to call us or visit one of our branches for further advice.

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